Pork Roll or Taylor Ham? - Cutting Through the Fat

As you may or may not have heard, there is a long standing debate in New Jersey that has torn apart family and friends, ruined relationships and threatened the harmonic fabric of our very existence. Is this debate political? No, not in the slightest. Does it have to do with our schools? Nope, not at all. Is it about our beloved shore and how certain TV shows have made us look bad? It should be, but no, no it is not. The debate my friends, is whether or not we have decided to call an insanely delicious pork product by one name, or another. I'm referring of course to the long standing debate: Pork Roll or Taylor Ham? Now, depending on where you are currently located, the answer to this question is decidedly simple. However, I think it begs a closer, more analytical look and some historical context. Pork Roll is recognized as being developed in 1856 by one John Taylor of Hamilton Square, New Jersey and originally sold as "Taylor's Prepared Ham"...